What is flutter and how can I install in my system?

What Is Flutter?

What is flutter? In simple word flutter is open source framework that uning Dart language that created by Google. We can say Flutter is Hybrid framework for create iOS and Android App. There are so many hybrid framework available in market like PhoneGap, ionic, Xamarin so what is different? Flutter provide native look of App same like iOS and Android.

What is difference between Native and hybrid application?

You can find many tutorial on this topic so we should not go in deep but I would like to explain in one sentence.

=> Hybrid App means It has one code that compatible with all the platforms like iOS, Android, Window, BlackBerry and Etc.

=> Native App has separate code for separate platforms like iOS has it’s own iOS code, Android has It’s android code and Etc.

If we are talking about majority usage of OS in mobile technology then two OS coming in our mind and one is iOS and another is Android.

So If you are looking for develope App in iOS and Android and save your money, time and developement then Flutter provides best platform for you.

How can we say flutter is better than other Hybrid frameworks?

=>Here  are main reason that we are going with Flutter.

  1. Speedy
  2. Less write code for develope App in compare to others
  3. Gives native look approx. 95%
  4. No need to use JS, HTML 5 code If you are JAVA developer then 70% work you made easy
  5. Attractive UI/Animation and easy to implement
  6. Secure


How can we develop application by Flutte?

I’m not here deeply explain you how to install flutter in our system because you can find it from official website so I don’t think so we should west our time to explain it again. But here are some important points those I like to point it down.

Here we are going with Mac OS and Xcode and below are minimum requirement of flutter.

Operating Systems: macOS (64-bit)        

Disk Space: 700 MB (does not include disk space for Xcode or Android Studio).
Tools: Flutter depends on below command-line tools so It will be available in your terminal. “bash, mkdir, rm, git, curl, unzip, which”
Xcode Version: Xcode 7.2 or newer

There is no any rule to use any specific editor for develop app in Flutter. You can use simple text editor too. But If you want to any rich and intelligent editor that will make your work easy and save your time then you can go with below two editor.

NOTE: Atom editor is no longer with flutter development (Click here for know more).

Here we are going with VC Code for Mac OS download it.

Get the Flutter SDK

  1. Download the following zip to get the latest beta release of the Flutter SDK
  2. Extract the file in the desired location,
$ cd ~/development
$ unzip ~/Downloads/flutter_macos_v0.4.4-beta.zip
Add the flutter tool to your path:
$ export PATH=`pwd`/flutter/bin:$PATH

The above command sets your PATH variable temporarily, that means it’s working only for the current terminal window. If you will close terminal and reopen it and write any flutter command the it will not work for you because you have to set permanently path for Flutter.

For update permanent path.

  1. Open / Create $HOME/.bash_profile, text file will be opened.
  2. Copy your path where you installed/store Flutter directory
  3. Set this Flutter directory path to below command

     4) Run source $HOME/.bash_profile to refresh the current window.
     5) Verify that the flutter/bin directory is now in your PATH by running:

echo $PATH

Now your permanent path is set.
You need to run Flutter Doctor command and install required commands and tools.
For more information click on below link

Below are some important links for Flutter

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